Sunday, November 9, 2008

Join the Conspiracy!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... sing along! ... everywhere you go ....

Well, now that I have that song stuck in your head I will point out the obvious. Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is on it's way soon, so it must be time to get ready for Christmas! Actually my Costco has been getting ready for weeks .... ugh.

I have always disliked the way that the Christmas season is rushed (well, except for Peppermint Mocha creamer in the grocery store!) but I admit that even I have started to think about Christmas shopping. You know - the "what am I going to get so and so". Hmm, I better get it ordered so that I can mail it in time. And what about Christmas cards - I will need to get the kids picture taken. It just seems to go on and on to the point of exhuastion. Half the people I know just can't wait for the whole thing to be over! I too have struggled with how to get back the meaning of Christmas and reclaim it from all the STUFF. Which is why I am totally jazzed about what my church is up to - it is a conspiracy - an Advent Conspiracy! It totally gets to heart of what I have been feeling and this video gives you an introduction. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Whether it is clean water, AIDS relief or whatever moves your heart I hope you join us in the conspiracy!

Joining the Conspiracy -


Nicola O. said...

Those numbers are pretty staggering.

Anonymous said...

I really loved this - it was incredibly well produced. It has always made me sad when everyone is all about how many presents they received for their birthdays or the holidays. Way too much like it matters how much money people spend on you – as if that validates who you are. Although you know how freaked I am about the economy, maybe this is a chance to “reset” our standards and really enjoy these holidays…without all of the materialistic junk. Thanks for the posting…