Monday, January 26, 2009

Music to my Ears

Yesterday the two oldest princesses had their very first piano recital! We were very generously gifted a piano in August (a dream come true for me!) and the girls started lessons in September. I know this totally sounds like an obnoxious mom thing (ok - it is but I don't do it often so bear with me) but they are doing REALLY well!!! I am amazed at what they have accomplished in just a few months. So in classic obnoxious mom fashion, and here for your viewing pleasure, is the duet they played together at the recital yesterday (and just be thankful I didn't put up all their solo pieces and gush about how Sarah even memorized hers!!).

Feel free to comment and tell me how gorgeous, talented and amazing my kids are - or poke fun at me for even posting it (hey, the grandparents want to see ok?).

A Proud Mama -


Nicola O. said...

OMG, *so* adorable.

Anonymous said...

You should be proud! WOW! I'm really impressed!